@osmers I have asked in the team. There are some refactoring left, but I can't resolve it right now coz I'm occupied with entitlementcard
Abkürzungen were moved to the separate task:
@MariaKabanova and I will take & &
0,4% to go :)
@f1sh1918 is there a suitable icon for the category?
The problem is connected to a defect on the tinymce side: We can't get an actual content from the editor after pasting, because getContent() function returns the old content...
@PeterNerlich I tried `tinymce.triggerSave();` but couldn't get it to help. What I also found is that getContent() returns the correct (actual) content after some timeout. This is not nice and...
@f1sh1918 right, I just meant it was "removed" from the widget, by calling removeWhere() function :)
@ulliholtgrave hey Ulli, could you please describe the use case (reproduction steps) and expected result to better understand the problem? What do you mean with "duplicated content objects" ?
> This should largely be fixed by Not really :) In 2668, only the text in the request to TextLab is updated. This doesn’t affect the content we save...