Sebastian Andil

Results 15 issues of Sebastian Andil

### Describe the bug Vite HMR breaks when modifying React context provider Related: ### Reproduction [selrond/vite-react-usecontext]( "selrond/vite-react-usecontext") ### System Info Output of `npx envinfo --system --npmPackages vite,@vitejs/plugin-vue --binaries --browsers`:...

feat: hmr
p3-minor-bug :hammer:
plugin: react

"drven" to "drivem" O:)

I've installed `fnm` on mac using homebrew, and put `eval "$(fnm env)"` inside my `.zshrc`. It appears to work, but when I run `fnm use `, and test that version...

It would be useful to be able to define a custom selector to scope the styles generated by Typography.js under. A case for this: I'm building a website in React,...

We have grid props in [`styled-system`](, wouldn't it be better to use them here as well?

Is there any specific reason it's not supported right now? According to the [gatsby-image]( docs, only these options are supported: > **gatsby-source-sanity** > > - `GatsbySanityImageFixed` > - `GatsbySanityImageFixed_noBase64` >...

Would it be possible to have intellisense for javascript and markdown inside `.mdx` files? It would require custom rules / config probably. I'm not aware how it works though...


Is it possible to set formatted `theme_mods` in `wp theme mod set` the same way it's possible to get them through `wp theme mod get --format=json`? It'd be really useful...

command:theme-mod expected behavior: [Slick]( (Add & Remove demo)

[example on CodeSandbox]( When slide content is wrapped inside `` tag, sliding behaves weirdly; unusable on FF and Safari, Chrome deals with it somehow. I believe this comes from here:...