Shane Elipot
Shane Elipot
I am raising a conversation (see link below) to the status of an issue as a way to request a new feature/enhancement to parcels. Could we have `Fieldset.from_zarr` like we...
Should not `cellprune(x)` just remove empty cells? It appears to remove cells of length 1 as well. To not remove cells of length 1, it should be called as `cellprune(x,0)`.
Is the syntax `ellipseplot(k,l,th,z,'axis')` supported? It is not described in the help but still listed as a possible "usage". It would be nice for this feature to work but it...
just a tiny typo
This change is needed otherwise you cannot set the length of the colormap
Line 93 of matsave load the just saved matlab structure but this command on line 93 fails if the current folder contains a space in its name. It happens in...
I am having an issue where I cannot open with xarray the result of the rechunker. I start from a zarr store that can be opened by xarray but the...
How would you use `position_from_velocity` in parallel so that it integrates from the starting lat/lon position of each trajectory? This would imply passing `x_origin` and `y_origin` of size `rowsize` but...
I would like to see written an adapter function for the raw GDP files which can be found on the DAC FTP under `/phod/pub/pazos/data/shane/sst/` We could actually write three functions,...
I am trying a solution on the branch `sst-interp` in `examples/interp_cci_drifters.ipynb` with the cci sst analysis global dataset. That dataset is hosted on some AWS data repository. In order to...