Seleznev Anton

Results 24 comments of Seleznev Anton

Hi! I think it is not possible to do it at the moment. At the moment it is possible to change current cell where content will be inserted. In current...

I got your idea. It doesn't work the way you think because in **libfort** there is no a distinct entity such as header. All rows (ordinary rows and headers) are...

Yes, I understand what you mean but as I said this approach with treating headers and ordinary rows differently is more complicated and also I believe current approach is more...

Hi. I implemented `adding_strategies` and merged branch to `develop`. Now it is possible to add rows (and headers) at any time to any place in the table. Here is a...

That's expected behavior. As I already said above there is nothing special with headers. They are ordinary rows. That's library design principle. Functions `set_adding_strategy` and `set_cur_cell` also ordinary functions. They...

Not possible at the moment. I'll take a look if it is possible to add easily.

Pushed branch `issue-56` for experiments for this ticket.

Hi! I am currently working on exporting targets and creating appropriate files for library installation. I am not a cmake expert. So I think it will take a few days...

Hi! Sorry for keep you waiting. Merged changes to develop (thanks for posting examples above, they helped me a lot). Exported target is called `libfort::fort`. So I think in case...

Hi! At the moment you can only change content of the cells but can't delete them. In your particular case I think it is ok to create a table from...