Stephan Eisfeld

Results 7 issues of Stephan Eisfeld

## Description Is it possible to add support for the ATmega4809 series of Chips? I have a custom made PCB with that MCU. I use [this Board Support Package]( in...

I want to use PE4 and PE5 in my sketch (knowing that these are not exposed on regular LGT boards with LQFP32 package, but I have a custom board). After...

I played around with the boot loader recently, and I found when I compile it for the LGT8F328P from the source coming with this core, the hex file differs from...

Hi, I tried to compile the `VccSimple` example on the new [Arduino Nano Every]( (ATMEGA4809) and get the following errors. Are you planning support for this new board? Thanks Stephan...

Hi @cpldcpu are you planning a new release soon, so that [the .zip in this folder]( will get updated for easier integration into the Arduino IDE? Currently the latest changes...

``` DFPlayer Analyzer 1.0 - Starting up... [61] Packet sent (->): 7E FF 6 42 0 0 0 FE B9 EF -> Cmd: 42 (GetStatus), arg: 0 [72] Packet received...

``` DFPlayer Analyzer 1.0 - Starting up... [60] Packet sent (->): 7E FF 6 42 0 0 0 FE B9 EF -> Cmd: 42 (GetStatus), arg: 0 [111] Packet received...