Sebastian Gabl (aka Hoppip)
Sebastian Gabl (aka Hoppip)
@Luffyyy is this something you checked while working on BeardLib 5?
Hmm there might be something wrong with the attachments check for invalid/custom weapon mods.
There's nothing specific pointing towards BeardLib being the issue, however i can see a bunch of LAS mods throwing errors in the BLT log so make sure those are in...
This is not a BeardLib issue itself most likely. There might be another mod trying to send invalid data.
This looks like there is some issue with a mod that adds/changes assets in the game
I'm afraid not, you'll have to check what mods you installed that change models/textures or similar
You might have a broken mod that makes use of BeardLib to creatte its menu, or an outdated version of BeardLib
can you attach the blt log of when this happens here? mods/logs