i get [ChestShop] No default config 'languages/' found in ChestShop's jar file! the old file locale.yml is not in the chestshop folder
Is the latest dev build stable to use? if yes I will try it
there is a chance of implementation in the near future?
[]( how i get the nbt data of this item?
{z: -385, id: "minecraft:chest", y: 62, x: -16, Items: [{Slot: 1b, id: "minecraft:enchanted_book", tag: {StoredEnchantments: [{id: "minecraft:protection", lvl: 3s}, {id: "minecraft:power", lvl: 4s}]}, Count: 1b}]}
In the store there is only one enchanted book. If I enter the ID which shows /iteminfo, then the store changes the ID to another one by itself (as you...
I would also like that (I was just about to make the same suggestion) a first default home (maybe mark as default) I also find very intuitive i would also...
Is there no way to change this before the 5.0.0 milestone? It is enough if you are always teleported to the default home (i.e. the first or another home set...
i have the same issue Spigot-a1f2566-97b0057 (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) Dynmap version: core=3.0-SNAPSHOT-145, plugin=3.0-SNAPSHOT-145 WorldBorder v1.9.0