Simon Durbridge

Results 7 issues of Simon Durbridge

Building from a fresh clone appears broken by cleaning first. There is no clear list of dependencies and there is none of the necesarry documentation to make this package user...

When creating a swift application in Xcode 11 for macOS, a package.swift file is not created and linked with the project. As such I am not sure how to follow...

If I use the helper script to copy the pod midi example into a new project all the function and object definitions that included midi in the symbol are overwritten...


Several changes to matlab have made the matlab scripts for CARFAC slightly out of date. An example of this is the use of `wavread `and `wavwrite` which mathworks deprecated a...

This PR updates the three matlab scripts to work with modern matlab. The gitignore is also set up to ignore the common temporary files of matlab and python. It is...

cla: yes

Good afternoon, After Tensorflow2.5 there are a couple API changes that broke this project. I have updated the code to meet the modern TF/Keras API, as there is no requirements...

Good morning, Can you please add the pre-requisit tensorflow version, along with the other project pre-requisits such as librosa to the readme. As it stands, when using an environment with...