Sayan Goswami
Sayan Goswami
Facing the same issue when using this plugin to normalize composer.json present in other directories. It would be good to have it working correctly before July 2022, when "allow-plugins" feature...
Update: Post composer 2.3.9 release running `Composer normalize` in this scenario throws an error of instead of a warning.
Here's a reference to the exact same issue for `composer create-project ` command. We can see the same behaviour here, wherein plugins declared in CWD is getting loaded when...
@Seldaek I have checked with Composer 2.3.10 and found issue still present with `composer normalize` command.
My `composer.json`: This is present in my CWD. ```json { "name" : "secretsayan/myrepo", "description": "This is the root composer.json", "license": "MIT", "require": { "ergebnis/composer-normalize": "^2.28" }, "config": { "allow-plugins": {...
Thanks a lot @Seldaek!