Mathieu Leblond

Results 14 comments of Mathieu Leblond

@bolechen In the fields for the ActivityLog resource `MorphTo::make('Causer', 'causer') ` shows a dash like I highlighted in the yellow part below. ![image]( SO I had to extend the class...

I updated the seeds to have all countries, divisions and cities with 5000+ population in my pull request

> I still cannot see some of the towns from [GeoNames]( listed in (i.e. Split or (Šibenik)Sibenik from Coratia). And also, in WorldCitiesTableSeeder divisions are listed instead of cities...

@Dach0 It took longer than expected and I probably spent way too much time on this but the data now includes all cities (200k~) Its a lot of work migrating...

I added all cities with over 5000 population in my pull request: When I tried adding every single cities provided by I saw a considerable slow down in...

@KellsWorks Try reinstalling (rollback migrations), looks like maybe something didn't complete properly the first time around? Or manually run the migrations in the right order? seems like a good source. Has a few dumps for cities by population. And they all link to an IANA Timezone which is what PHP uses. @khsing did you...

I updated the dataset in my pull request from this source:

@Kyslik yes but if the get variable name is already set, it doesn't override the sortable link to use the one in parameter #3 in the function due to the...

Can we please merge #145? Really seems like a no brainer. Thanks