
Results 5 issues of seboyden

Graphtyper can create variants where the END position is lower than POS. This results in a warning from bcftools concat: ``` Concatenating ./chr10/010000001-011000000.vcf.gz[W::vcf_parse] INFO/END=9321046 is smaller than POS at chr10:9321047...


Running graphtyper on GRCh38 with alt contigs, I get the following fatal error on chr6: ``` [constructor.cpp:159] FAI index has no entry for contig/chromosome 'HLA-DRB1*13' ``` Both the FASTA file...


Is there a way for ```samtools markdup``` to ONLY mark optical duplicates, equivalent to Picard's ```TAGGING_POLICY=OpticalOnly``` ? This would be useful for PCR-free data, which is standard for most WGS.

Running alignstats v0.9.1 on exome data using -t $TARGETBED, I saw that CapCoverageBasesXPct could be >100%, which obviously shouldn't happen. It turns out my target BED file contains some overlapping...

Current behavior is to report "nan" for allele2 if it is short. It would be nice to have an estimated allele size for both allele1 and allele2, even when both...
