Seb Grijalva
Seb Grijalva
Maybe I can give this one a crack if it's still open.
Ok, let me give it a go :)
Fine for me! Unfortunately i got caught up with work ever since.
I suppose that by the superoperator you mean the natural representation of the quantum channel (according to Watrous' book). So I guess that something like eq. 2.74, p 80. of...
Hi Paolo, Thanks for raising this issue, indeed, It's interesting to try to run a multi-thread job for Pulser leveraging QuTiP. I will try to reproduce a basic approach and...
Here's a simple implementation of using multiple cores with Pulser and leveraging QuTiP's `parallel_map()` function: ```python import numpy as np import qutip from pulser import Register, Pulse, Sequence from pulser.devices...
I'd say we archive it, yes.