Sébastien Ros

Results 144 issues of Sébastien Ros

I'd like to get feedback on how member accessor limitations are applied on a model. It appears that in most cases the model that is passed to the template doesn't...

[DO NOT MERGE] This is just to track the feature which I find useful, to be able to used inlined liquid tags instead of requiring a new line before each...

Users are never sure which ones from the shopify documentation might not be implemented.

Currently there is a risk that the same `TemplateOptions` instance is modified by different thread. Example, a context uses `UnsafeMemberAccess.Instance`, and then updates its `MemberNameStrategy`.

Repro: - Open the demo page - Click on a drop down to show the popup panel - In Edge hit CTRL+SHIFT+S to take a screenshot Expected: The Edge screenshot...


Applying API review feedback, and adding anticipated changes from new one


Adding support for https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7230.html#section-3.5 via an app switch. > Although the line terminator for the start-line and header fields is the sequence CRLF, a recipient MAY recognize a single LF...


Build: https://dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_build/results?buildId=1027022&view=logs&j=8c9dd6ae-5017-5a70-997c-c2386fed4e85&t=67839355-6a03-55d6-fbd7-5d56c2fd9ea1 ``` Failed Templates.Test.BlazorServerTemplateTest.BlazorServerTemplateWorks_NoAuth(browserKind: Chromium) [2 m 50 s] Error Message: System.TimeoutException : Timeout 30000ms exceeded. =========================== logs =========================== waiting for selector "h1+p >> text=Current count: 1" to be...

playwright 🎭

I am getting this error within VS 2022 preview 6 (public preview) when opening a project from the aspnetcore repository. ``` Warning CS9057 The analyzer assembly 'C:\code\aspnetcore\.dotnet\sdk\7.0.100-rc.1.22375.2\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\codestyle\cs\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle.dll' references version ''...

I like the new `{% liquid %}` tag but I would love to see it supporting single lines tags. For example, the following template is the smallest we can get...