L'url de torrent9 est correct ? elle change regulierement... Edit: Sinon je suis currieux de connaitre la procedure d'installation. il me semble que l'auteur utilise une version de node modifié......
> Effectivement j'utilise des version compilées > > derniers setup en date > > win 64: > > > linux 64: > > > mettez à jour ffmpeg...
Thanks for your reply ptrooms, ``` The MCU will power-up the esp8266-board when something is sensed by the PIR but only if the last active (esp8266) trigger was at least...
@ptrooms Thanks for your response. I finaly found the problem, the MQTT was not connected, I wrote the ip with port like this : `` but the port is not...
@ptrooms Thanks a lot for all these details. I cleared my MQTT server Mosquitto and in fact, some retained messages were present: ``` [I][app:137]: Rebooting safely... {"unit_of_measurement":"dB","icon":"mdi:wifi","name":"PIR WiFi Signal","state_topic":"pir/sensor/pir_wifi_signal/state","unique_id":"84f3ebf42bfa-wifisignal","device":{"identifiers":"84f3ebf42bfa","name":"pir","sw_version":"esphome v1.14.4...
@ptrooms Thanks again for your answer. Teraterm is better than putty in fact :-} Just for peoples reading this thread, to get the result in Hex you must edit TeraTerm.ini...
@ptrooms Here is the result with reverse TX / RX: ``` C8 A4 6C CC C9 E3 A4 24 30 38 F8 48 3C D1 1F F8 FC 55 AA...
Some problem with version 2.3.4 and
Excepted for "Processus arrêté"