Sebastian Whiffen
Sebastian Whiffen
Registering my interest in this : ) This is affecting another package I am using [Microsoft Rules Engine](
> Hello, @StefH If you'd be so kind to take a look, here's the full c# example: This Repo is no longer available it seems, I would love to...
Registering my interest in this being fixed also, currently logging unnecessary 500s and blaming a middleware for trying to read the context after its been closed
slnx will surely be the de facto standard for sln files going forward. Commenting to register my interest in this feature being available to use in vsCode
I am also interested in this, currently getting this error { "rule": { "ruleName": "SecurityValidation", "properties": null, "operator": null, "errorMessage": "Error message", "enabled": true, "ruleExpressionType": 0, "workflowsToInject": null, "rules": null,...