I am also making the jump to V4 and I cant wait for your awesome project to be available there! :D
Hi @byCedric, thanks for the speedy reply! I am using expo tools v1.0.7! I also provided a repo link with a minimal example in my original question: My goal...
@brentvatne as I stated in my original issue, the issue persist in development builds: Debuggin is broken. You can check out the repo I linked.
@brentvatne is any way of debugging my demo project on you machine working?
I have the same issue! Player will freeze on android when playing multiple videos in a row. Also: On iOS when skipping from one video to the next the second...
I still have this issue, it is a huge hurdle to do anything with video on Android.
Are firebase V2 functions really not properly testable, still after 2 years ? Or is this issue fixed?
@TheIronDev is there a timeline to make trigger functions and onCall testable? It seems weird to promote functions V2 when testing them is not full supported.
Sorry, @taeold seems to be the right person to ask! So, any chance to see this in 2024?
So I can also just add an instance of the mesh used to the scene and set the shader param there. No need for the MultiMesh. Still, it seems like...