Sébastien Nicolaïdis
Sébastien Nicolaïdis
I will love this feature. Will it be possible to apply it as a setting? Like ``` REST_FRAMEWORK = { ... "NORMALIZE_DECIMAL_OUTPUT": True, ... } ```
Hey, I created a mini project here : https://github.com/sebabouche/trb-slim-nested-form-issue. I could explain you how things are working with TRB by chat?
And I pushed it on heroku here : https://trb-slim.herokuapp.com
@minad , I'll shrink the mini project to refom + cell + slim. It seems that it's not related to trailblazer. And == doesn't solve the problem.
``` ruby @output_buffer = []; _temple_html_pretty1 = /
I think this causes me a problem too: "FatalErrorException: Error: Call to a member function supportsClass() on a non-object in /Users/username/Symfony/src/Acme/UserBundle/Security/User/Provider/FacebookProvider.php line 40"