
Results 5 issues of seanv507

One of our users seemed to have a incorrect file lock. There was no indication of a problem, Output was "Bootstrapping conda environment" and then it would hang. eventually user...

Hi I wanted to report that using pip install I got: undefined symbol site-packages/ undefined symbol: _ZTVNSt7__cxx1115basic_stringbufIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE when importing, whereas using conda forge worked. It might be worth suggesting...

The *dataframe* output of a model matrix has column names [Intercept, b[T.a],...] when one specifies `output = sparse`, the column identifiers are not available... ( the output is a regular...


hi, its always hard to compare different algorithms. BUT IMO you should have laid out the configurations in the readme. in particular you are comparing xgboost max depth 7 with...

Hi, I would like to work on merging the sample weights version. Can you provide some guidance in terms of your own requirements? My final goal is having a sample...