Sean Roberts
Sean Roberts
You'll need to update the pause container to be fulled from the `ecr-fips` endpoint, otherwise the connection to get the container won't be FIPS-compliant:
> It seems [aws-samples/amazon-eks-custom-amis@`10a7d51`/files/]( might already do this for RHEL. I've been told that that repo is not maintained. So it *might* work but isn't permanent and won't get updated....
Just send in a pull request.
Will existing users of the old AWS approach need to change anything or be impacted by the change?
@lhoss @agriffaut Is this still an issue. Does this only fix issues with old Ansible versions? Like Alex I've run into problems with those POSTs, even little extra spaces breaking...
@lhoss I'm pinging around for input, hence Tristan's response. Note that ansible-hortowrorks is not a Cloudera product and these playbooks are not officially supported by Cloudera. It is a personal...
Is the goal to have a single copy of ansible-hortonworks which you can then point to different inventories and group_vars/_ files at each run? If so, that is a good...
@GGrasso - The full provisioning _( was built around Apache Ambari's Blueprint Recommendations which were built for HDP 2.1+. I've tested with HDP 2.1 & 2.2. I'd support @dennishuo 's...
After some digging, I see that the HDP 1.3 Stack supports the services. I'm running bdutil now with the following set in `ambari.conf` and will report back: `AMBARI_SERVICES="GANGLIA HBASE HDFS...
It nearly works. Fails when starting services due to `mapreduce.history.server.http.address` being set to the wrong host. After I manually corrected the configuration, all services started successfully. But, as they are...