Thank you @CiaranPearse - I'll take a look at this issue over the next week and update this thread accordingly thanks
I've tracked the cause of this issue down and have applied a fix for it - this will be available in our next release (currently scheduled for the end of...
Please note that you can get around this issue for now by switching to [modules]( instead - in other words use `@ag-grid-community/vue3` instead of `ag-grid-vue3`
Do you have a repo we can look at to reproduce what you're seeing? It's worth noting that ag-grid requires a browser environment to work - it's not designed to...
Hi, I've just taken a look and can see the the map files are both generated and published - see here for example:[email protected]/lib/ Doing a local npm install of...
I actually stand corrected - I misread the warning above. The message is complaining about missing `source files`, not the actual source maps. Taking a look this is valid -...
Are you able to provide a reproducible example of this issue?
Please note that in version 30 the following change was introduced: AG-8674 - Default to use ES Modules in main field of package.json for modules Please see our changelog for...
Are you able to provide a reproducible example for this? I will try to reproduce my side but if you could provide something that would speed things along. thanks
@jonahallibone thanks for the repro - I can reproduce and can confirm that this is a bug I've raised "AG-8756: ag-grid-community/ag-grid-enterprise with Next: Cannot use import statement outside a module"...