Sean Davis
Sean Davis
Thanks, Jonathan, for the clarification of scope for the pipeline API. I agree that building on top of it, treating the pipeline API as a "raw executor", makes a lot...
Toil and nextflow are both getting a fair amount of love-and-care and have at least some support for CWL, abstract executors, and cloud files. Snakemake also has a good following,...
I assume that you mean toil is python? Nextflow is groovy-based, though it is really a mini language in a sense. > On Aug 9, 2016, at 1:07 PM, jbingham...
Probably need to think a bit more about this one. The GH actions stuff is performed with the current checkout. That may not correspond to the master branch of the...
@jmacdon, the /github/home exists on the github actions builder. It is not persisted into the docker container, or persisted at all for that matter. I *think* we can safely ignore...
This feels like a layer on top of raw parsing? The notebook shows some nice examples of the power and simplicity of the pandas framework, though. The lack of a...
@GlyphDataServices, PyVCF makes it reasonably easy to do this myself. I was thinking more about an extension (a module, basically) to this project. I know that there are not "standard"...
On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 6:47 PM, Vince Buffalo [email protected]: > Sean, > If it's not an issue if proprietary adapters, could you email me an > example of...