Sean Perkins

Results 166 comments of Sean Perkins

Thanks for taking the initial discovery at this feature! To set up proper expectations on reviewing/merging; the team still needs to review my open feature request. Once the team agrees...

@KANekT this feature will not be included in the 6.2 release. You are always able to maintain a fork of the code with your required changes in the interim. The...

@andreaslarssen thanks for reporting this issue. The reason behind this bug, is when you calling `loadingController.getTop()` it is currently returning the same instance of the loading component, over and over....

@andreaslarssen in theory it applies to all overlays (alerts, loading, modal, popover, etc.). The resolution will be to the shared dismiss logic that each of the overlay implementations use.

Hello @andreaslarssen can you test with this dev-build and let me know if you run into any issues? ``` 6.1.14-dev.11657292469.17e64b38 ``` Stackblitz can occasionally be difficult with recently published packages....

Hello @andreaslarssen after further discovery, I do not believe this is an active bug in Ionic. The root issue here, is you have two callers to dismiss the same overlay...

@andreaslarssen the `dismiss()` method is resolving correctly. It resolves under 3 conditions: 1. The overlay dismissed (transition completed, DOM node removed) - `returns true` 2. The overlay you are trying...

After some initial investigation work, I have been able to identify a pattern which would allow Ionic to add support for standalone components with supporting previous versions of Angular. With...

Hello everyone, here is an updated dev-build based on my message above: `6.1.14-dev.11657224247.185f8192`. The dev-build should warn you with the expected code to support standalone components. You can also look...

@mackelito the experimental API support will be available in the next minor release (6.3.0). This issue is now resolved, since the PR has been merged into the feature branch: