Seamus Abshere
Seamus Abshere
Defines a simple interface to multiple cache-like storage engines by wrapping common Ruby client libraries like memcached, redis, memcache-client, dalli. Handles each underlying library's weirdnesses,...
Cache based on arguments AND object state; store in memcached, redis, or in-process. Like alias_method, but it's cache_method! One step beyond memoization.
Download, unpack from a ZIP/TAR/GZ/BZ2 archive, parse, correct, convert units and import Google Spreadsheets, XLS, ODS, XML, CSV, HTML, etc. into your ActiveRecord models. Uses RemoteTable gem interna...
Replaces mini_record-compat. Define table structure (columns and indexes) inside your ActiveRecord models like you can do in migrations.
Convert back and forth between Heroku-style ENV['DATABASE_URL'] and Rails/ActiveRecord-style config/database.yml hashes.
A (better?) replacement for open-uri. Lets you open local and remote files by immediately returning their contents as a string.
Define an errata in table format (CSV) and then apply it to an arbitrary source. Inspired by RFC Errata, lets you keep your own errata in a transparent way.
Find a needle (a document or record) in a haystack using string similarity and (optionally) regular expression rules. Uses Dice's Coefficient (aka Pair Similiarity) and Levenshtein Distance internally...
Most caching libraries don't do locking, meaning that >1 process can be calculating a cached value at the same time. Since you presumably cache things because they cost CPU, database reads, or money,...