Jeremy D. Gerdes
Jeremy D. Gerdes
p_load attempts to install package if missing, I've been using ``` if (!require('pacman')){install.packages('pacman')} # Install/load packages of interest pacman::p_load(dplyr,fs,lubridate) ```
Similar to the Code.json Validator it would be helpful to report broken URL links in the Code.json file. I put together a google sheets prototype of sorts here: []( It...
I just posted this as a comment to [ Administration Tool for Agency Inventory Upload and Maintenance #29](
See rss 2.0 at: See podcast 2.0 namespace at: And jsonfeed update at:
See podcast 2.0 namespace at:
This appears to be causing odd behavior for ships that don't have jump drives, ships with only hyper drives installed are not jumping to the next system with my fleet.
When I roll back to PR7208 they do jump. (running on Ubuntu)