Harald Heckmann
Harald Heckmann
[`AssetRegistry` metadata](https://github.com/zeitgeistpm/zeitgeist/blob/391fc02d6a9852f095656effa0b2fcd8494f6682/runtime/zeitgeist/src/xcm_config/asset_registry.rs#L87-L94) should contain information about [`ParachainMinFee`](https://github.com/zeitgeistpm/zeitgeist/blob/391fc02d6a9852f095656effa0b2fcd8494f6682/runtime/zeitgeist/src/parachain_params.rs#L103-L108) to properly track minimum fee requirements.
All unit and fuzz tests are executed in any case, even if none of the actual source code was changed. A massive amount of required time for workflows can be...
BABE provides a mechanism to select the authors of the next block. In that term it is almost identical to AURA, with the difference that multiple block authors can be...
Implement examples and doc-tests for them at least for every public function which could be used by different projects. https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustdoc/documentation-tests.html https://dev.to/minkovsky/what-s-up-doc-rust-doctests-and-you-254e
When tests are executed, doc-tests for that crate should also be executed. Extended the *test* job in the [associated workflow](https://github.com/zeitgeistpm/zeitgeist/blob/main/.github/workflows/rust.yml#L43), such that it will also respect the doc-tests. This can...