Steve Durham
Steve Durham
Any fix or workaround for this? I see this also on Windows 10, but not on mac.
By full sample do you mean: package.json + sharedworker.js + index.html? I'll get those together
So, with these files: package.json ``` { "name": "worker-sharedworker", "main": "index.html", "version": "1.0.0", "chromium-args": "--enable-node-worker" } ``` sharedworker.js ``` onconnect = function(e) { const bc = new BroadcastChannel('bus'); bc.onmessage =...
@rogerwang it is the **--enable-node-worker** flag that is breaking it. Remove that flag and it works. The flag works ok on mac. Just click the "start workers" button, then inspect...
[]( Same files above, zipped
@rogerwang Can we get this a look? I will do a BroadcastChannel workaround but would rather not (have all the windows register with a worker and have a worker call...
This seems to happen in Mac also but I have not narrowed it down to be sure.
@rogerwang this suddenly started working specifically with 0.75.1 on mac (have not tried windows). Can you think of any reason why it would have started working?
@rxhanson how close are you on switching from pods? I see you have a branch you are working on. Or can we get the current one fixed so that it...