procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var LLoop: IOmniParallelLoop; LInput: IOmniBlockingCollection; LOutput: IOmniBlockingCollection; begin LInput := TOmniBlockingCollection.Create; LOutput := TOmniBlockingCollection.Create; LLoop := Parallel.ForEach(LInput); LLoop.PreserveOrder .NoWait .Into(LOutput) .Execute(procedure (const value: TOmniValue; var res: TOmniValue)...
In your example (which is very nice btw.) you upload the whole repository to the S3 bucket. I know - it is only an example. But is it really important...
I saw, that `AWS_ACCOUNT_ID` (declared in `.env`) is never used. For what could it been used? Or: For what did you used it? Btw. nice example! It helped me a...