Hi, How can I do transfer learning using one of the networks in this repo?
Hi, I am try to overfit one image using sparse_inst_r50_giam config. I changed the dataset to a custom dataset and only 3 labels (car, bus, truck). Those are the lines...
Hi, Thanks for this repo :-) I am try to train the network (and do an overfitt) using solov2 config When I start the training process I see the image...
Hello again, I'm try to convert yolact to ONNX with the following code: ``` weights_path = '/home/ws/DL/yolact/weights/yolact_im700_54_800000.pth' import torch import torch.onnx import yolact import torchvision model = yolact.Yolact() # state_dict...
Hi! Thanks for you'r work!! I used you'r repo with tiny yolo, and sometimes i get the following error: `Cuda failure: unspecified launch failure in file /home/ws/projects/yolo-trt/yolo.cpp at line 924`...
Hi, Thanks! I am using the json output. I get this message: Saved to: 📝 LocalJsonStorage (/app/output/2022-11-30T07:23:38.285Z.json) But there is no dir '/app/output/' And also, there is no file named...
Hi, Thanks for you'r work :-D When I run the code locally I get timeout. log below: ``` npm run start > [email protected] start /home/ws/moneyman > node dst/index.js Parsing config...