Stuart Dilts

Results 5 issues of Stuart Dilts

Structs like ``` C struct foo { enum type flag; union { int a; double b; }; }; ``` Cause an assertion error originating here: Here's what the C...


Function pointers are just that; pointers. Therefore they should be marked as a pointer in `cffi-sys:%foreign-funcall` instead of as a `:function`. Another solution is to mark the parameter types as...

Union types with no members were being called scalar by `foreign-scalar-p` when they had no members. Since it cannot be determined if they are scalar or not, it its more...

optoinal -> optional

Slime doesn't install when using the Emacs package manager on Emacs 29, and fails with the following output (taken from `*Messages*`): ``` Install package ‘slime-2.27’? (y or n) y Contacting...