
Results 10 comments of sdelcroix

Yes, we exchanged only these two messages (date : 07/01/2022).

OK, the date is not wrong on the list page. It displays the day of the week in two forms : short name and number. 07/01/2022 was a friday, thus...

Perhaps I will be too radical or too simplistic but maybe we don't need any date under the avatar on the conversations page ? As we already have the information...

Ok, forget my last proposal, I just saw that it’s already done in 0.26 for notifications ;)

@alecslupu has tried with sidekiq without success. Here his stracktrace : ``` ActionView::Template::Error (uninitialized constant Webpacker::VERSION Did you mean? VersionGem): .rbenv/versions/2.7.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/wicked_pdf-2.7.0/lib/wicked_pdf/wicked_pdf_helper/assets.rb:237:in `webpacker_version' .rbenv/versions/2.7.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/wicked_pdf-2.7.0/lib/wicked_pdf/wicked_pdf_helper/assets.rb:223:in `running_in_development?' .rbenv/versions/2.7.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/wicked_pdf-2.7.0/lib/wicked_pdf/wicked_pdf_helper/assets.rb:64:in `wicked_pdf_stylesheet_pack_tag' Sites/decidim/decidim-forms/app/views/layouts/decidim/forms/admin/questionnaires/questionnaire_answers.html.erb:6:in `_decidim_decidim_forms_app_views_layouts_decidim_forms_admin_questionnaires_questionnaire_answers_html_erb__1440803752881753523_67060' ```

> Hello, we also encountered this error on v0.26 Decicim instance, we fixed it as follow: > > * Lock `wicked_pdf` version to **2.6.3** in your `Gemfile` > * Require...

wicked_pdf 2.8.0 has been released and seems to fix this : Didn't try it yet to confirm though

Maybe, but please note that I don't use density resources folder in my sample app. Image is placed in "android/images/buttons" folder. However, as you talk about this file precisely, maybe...

@nuno Hi, by the time I was using the tishadowapp, both this and my app had the same unit in their respective tiapp.xml and issue occured yet ;) Now I'm...