Sida DAI
Sida DAI
i used the shared weight file and tested on voc, why the mAP is so low? `[2021-06-15 14:53:26,014]-[ line:91]:***********Start Evaluation**************** 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4952/4952 [17:13 mAP : 0.27931995093511486 [2021-06-15 15:11:31,327]-[ line:99]:bicycle -->...
HI Justin: Thanks for the great repo. I met the following strange question, roughly investigated all the issue feedbacks but did not find the answer. See below for detail. 1....
## Instructions To Reproduce the Issue: 1. what changes you made (`git diff`) or what code you wrote ``` i only changed the cfg file and weight file to mobilev2...
i ran : `python --resume ./checkpoints/model_best_my_train.pth.tar` and i got : {'img_h': 352, 'img_w': 352, 'batch_size': 32, 'train_img_size': [[352, 352], [320, 320], [288, 288], [384, 384], [416, 416]], 'expand_scale': 2.1610954191879452,...
thanks for sharing, would you please share the requirements.txt file?
Could you please point out that how to get the labels_old.p file? (We have the original dataset IEMOCAP_full_release downloaded already.)