Scott Nelson
Scott Nelson
Is this by design? Ideally I'd like to be able to make a change in any namespace and have it hot reloaded in my simulator. Is that possible?
If the value of the transition property does not change the transition end event does not fire. Use a setTimeout to ensure that an end event is always triggered.
Currently starting separate I2C transactions to read 2 consecutive bytes which means the MSB and LSB of the voltage and current readings are not returned atomically. Use a repeat start...
Removed the voltage calibration for now: Was causing issues with the voltage readings for some reason. Returned voltage values would slowly decrease to some fixed point below the actual...
Submodules are currently ignored during deployment. Once Rugged implements submodules ( consider including them as part of the deployment.
Syncs might not always originate from the Socket.IO clients. Provide some sort of server-side API for initiating syncs and having the result propagated to clients.
Got a JSON parse error thrown when making a call to the `files_put` endpoint while the Dropbox service was down: ``` SyntaxError: Unexpected token < at Object.parse (native) at
It would be nice if I could perform the following slurpage (via two forward slurps): ``` (let [x |])(+ 1 2) (let [x |(+ 1 2)]) ``` But after the...
This includes [`Rack::Response::Helpers`]( methods in the Airborne responses. This enables the use of matchers like those commonly used with [`ActionDispatch::TestResponse`]( i.e. ``` ruby expect(response).to be_success expect(response).to be_redirect expect(response).to be_error #...
Queues are created on the fly whenever someone POSTs to the endpoint the first time. When a queue is emptied the queue reference still remains and the only way to...