
Results 37 comments of scscgit

I also have some issues with dark mode, specifically it seems to be related to the "reset-css" (which I'm using via vue-trumbowyg wrapper). When I add this CSS class...

This is the **most serious issue** of the entire Git GUI! And I'm sure that it also happens under different circumstances (maybe after a Rescan when some other operations have...

An option to select common arguments, or set environment variables per-commit, would be really great! Other than basic actions like changing name & date (where I strongly disagree with default...

For reference, in I've mentioned creating an ad-hoc open-source calculator [scscgit/StandaloneWalletGenerator]( exactly for this purpose, so you can consider this implementation as an inspiration. I'm using a third-party "randomness...

This issue is still there, creating a huge usability barrier for Nuxt beginners who have to spend hours debugging why `this.$axios` behaves differently than `import 'axios'` when trying to load...

When running instead of building my own docker, after trying to register a user, I got an error: `QueryException in Connection.php line 769:` When trying to build it myself...

I also stumbled upon this, and I believe this is a really **severe issue**, as any **app in the production can completely break down**, making the user unable to access...

Wow, we already had PR with a nice fine-tuned command like `choco install visualstudio2017buildtools --params "--includeRecommended --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.140"`, yet it was rejected without any hints as to its...

I'm in the same situation; not only does this seem non-intuitive, but it also feels very dangerous, because a library may add a new hook at any point in the...

I'll just note that personally I'd expect (and prefer) the hooks to be configurable via decorators, for example `@Hook() created()`, which would help avoid using one accidentally (maybe as a...