## Description Adds [Adblock Filters language](https://kb.adguard.com/en/general/how-to-create-your-own-ad-filters). This syntax is used by filter lists for ad blockers (e.g. AdGuard, uBlock Origin, Adblock Plus). Almost all such lists are maintained on GitHub....
Since I took over the maintenance of the filter list, I've made many optimizations on it, but I think that there are still many filtering rules that should be improved....
An upgrade to the [current script](https://github.com/hufilter/hufilter-dev/blob/master/assets/scripts/redundancy-check.js) to provide the following features: - Check [rule syntax](https://kb.adguard.com/en/general/how-to-create-your-own-ad-filters) _(completed but not yet published)_ - Check CSS selectors syntax / [Extended CSS](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/ExtendedCss) selectors syntax...
TSUrlFilter issue reference: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/tsurlfilter/issues/60 Compatibility table contains **ALL** ABP/uBO scriptlets, _even if AdGuard doesn't yet support one of them_. However, the API currently only allows to determine whether a scriptlet...
GitHub has been supporting adblock syntax highlighting since September 5th. This PR will help you turn it on. Further informations: - Syntax highlighter repository: https://github.com/ameshkov/VscodeAdblockSyntax - How Linguist works: https://github.com/github/linguist/blob/master/docs/how-linguist-works.md...
Currently, this library [can natively parse TMLanguage from JSON and PLIST formats](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-textmate/blob/09effd8b7429b71010e0fa34ea2e16e622692946/src/parseRawGrammar.ts). I suggest extending these "natively supported" formats with YAML. YAML is a convenient format for creating TMLanguage because:...
GitHub has been supporting syntactic highlighting of adblock filter lists since September 2022. This PR will help you turn it on. Further informations: - Syntax highlighter repository: https://github.com/ameshkov/VscodeAdblockSyntax - How...
There were several syntax errors in the declaration blocks of CSS injections, this PR fixes them.
[Preview](https://github.com/scripthunter7/csstree/blob/feature/fork-api-docs/docs/fork.md) TODO list: - [x] Basic example, introduction - [ ] Add link to https://github.com/csstree/csstree#documentation - [ ] Add link to https://github.com/csstree/csstree/tree/master/docs#readme - [ ] Cover the following options: -...