Samuel Couillard
Samuel Couillard
## Description Remove the duplicated user#destroy endpoint. **Propose a new template for "admin" specs:** In specs, it can be difficult to differentiate regular user specs from "admin" users specs. 1....
## Description ## Testing Steps ## Screenshots (if appropriate):
## Description ## Testing Steps ## Screenshots (if appropriate):
Mute Users on Join **Frontend** Admins should be able to set Mute User on Join feature as Always Enabled, Optional, or Disabled. **Backend** Creation of Room_Settings table, so Admin can...
**Frontend** Admins should be able to set the "All Users Join As Moderators" feature as Always Enabled, Optional, or Disabled. **Backend** Creation of Room_Settings table, so Admin can set Room...
**Frontend** Admins should be able to set the “Allow the User to Start the Meeting” feature as Always Enabled, Optional, or Disabled. **Backend** Creation of Room_Settings table, so Admin can...
**Frontend** User needs to do an email verification upon account sign up. **Backend** An email is sent to the user when an account is created. The user has to confirm...
**Frontend** Admins should be able to set “Require Moderator Approval before Joining” as Always Enabled, Optional, or Disabled. **Backend** Creation of Room_Settings table, so Admin can set Room params (from...
Should this feature be set as Enabled, Optional, or Disabled? Currently set to always true.
Currently, Admins cannot set this feature as Enabled or Disabled. It is always Optional. **Frontend** **Backend**