Scott Lewis
Scott Lewis
See pull request associated with #282 which resolves this issue.
Peter I think you should try using bndtools a if you've your a junior Java programmer who's never used OSGi services before. Or maybe just watch a real developer...
> I cannot add anything from a technical level to this discussion. I just want mention that I like the idea to simplify the setup of things (in other words:...
I posted to the Oomph forum: >I still have the feeling that everything we need is done quite well with a small bundle that depends on bndtools, delivered via...
> @scottslewis Just to recap what I understood. You want to have some p2 touchpoints in bndtools, so additional steps can be triggered e.g. via Oomph? The goal being, that...
@peterkir and I have been corresponding and examining the oomph setups that he has created. A number of his setups install bndtools.core, bndtools.pde, and bndtools.m2e features alongside a new version...
> Its just time ... and so little help. Unfortunately I know nothing about the bndtools build/releng process so cannot offer direct help. Is there an issue associated with the...
I've created new issues for contributing oomph setups #6083 and creating p2 repos for specific versions of bndtools for those oomph setups #6084
@pkriens I'm sorry, but I've got family and work commitments this week that will make a call impossible. To state my opinion: I have no problems with having only one...