Scott Danesi

Results 9 comments of Scott Danesi

Hello, Here is the section of my code that I added to do the pause and change material ;Added by Scott D 5/12/15 to pause to change Filament ;Modified by...

This behavior is definitely reproducible with my file. I am using the M82 command to set the e-axis to absolute at the beginning of the file and am printing using...

This has been an issue for a while now.

I would LOVE an update to fix this. I print with weird materials that need specific settings, and mine get lost every single time I power cycle.

I have noticed this too. After flashing to a new version of the firmware the presets are reset back to factory. There may not be anything that can be done...

So you are unable to import presets from the SD card? Or are you saying that you never stored the presets to the SD card so they are now gone?

Oh, that makes sense. Have you tried to manually modify the MATERIAL.TXT file on the SD card root? You can add new materials here and import them into the machine....

OK, I am now seeing this problem. Looks like the presets are being reset on my machines as well. If there is any testing or further detail needed to get...

Has this issue been addressed at all? Just curious if this is something that will be fixed in a future version. Thank you!