Scott Belden

Results 14 comments of Scott Belden

`avro.schema.Parse` is a deprecated function in `avro-python3`: Both the `avro` library and `avro-python3` now have the lowercase `parse()` that should be used.

For me it seems to take about 1 second per observable when creating a hive case. Is this normal? A couple hundred observables takes on the order of minutes.

I tested with creating a thread pool to do the bulk insert of observables and it worked very nicely. I didn't measure the speed (though perhaps I will and report...

I am using a bare install of 1.8.1 (the most recent version)

Do you have some examples of the differences? The code is not set in stone and can be updated if there are examples of what functionality is missing.

$ docker --version Docker version 20.10.14, build a224086 $ docker-compose --version Docker Compose version v2.4.1 Also running into this issues. Sometimes it will bring everything up correctly, and other times...

Users do not have to have cython installed if the c files are generated and packaged up on pypi. This is what we do on [fastavro]( and what I would...

Thanks! I haven't looked at this in years but it's good to hear that at least some people have found it useful. It was a fun experience while implementing the...

Yeah, I can change the name to `ckerl`. I'll update this PR once that is done.