Scott Andrew

Results 7 comments of Scott Andrew

Figured this out. I used bind and that did what I wanted to do. I can do things like refreshToken bind { getData() } success { broadcast update }

There is no one to one integration.. What we did was to just create the managed object and have extension functions to unmarshal the values since you can not directly...

What does your structure look like? There are several ways to decode your keys it all depends on what they are in your structure.

I am having the same trouble using the package manger on Travis. If I install using brew then I am having an issue with XCodeSummary not working and giving me...

This works locally. Are you asking about doing that on Travis?

I can't give you the whole config but the relevant parts are: ``` os: osx language: swift osx_image: xcode11.3 cache: ~/.danger-swift .build branches: only: - /^release.*$/ - master - /^ORDER-.*$/...

I have no clue what is going on.. I have to give up on this for a bit..