Hi. Thanks for bringing this up, are you running this in colab? I just tested the code and it works correctly from [this link]( in colab.
The metrics server issue should be fixed. Please let us know if you are having any issues.
Hi, Each example record has a unique ID in the scenario_id field. Each example should only have one ChallengeScenarioPredictions entry in the scenario_predictions field within the MotionChallengeSubmission proto. Predictions for...
I'm not sure I understand your comments about duplicate scenario IDs. Each scenario has a unique scenario ID. For each scenario there should be only one entry in the scenario_predictions...
We will look further into this for you. Sorry for the trouble.
Could you contact us at [email protected] with a message about this error? We will try to get this resolved for you.
This was an issue on our server. Could you try it again? We believe it has been resolved.
We don't currently have any tools do export the map data to other formats. I think you would need to write a conversion utility. I am not aware of any...
We currently do not provide a way to map GPS locations to the dataset so this may not be possible if you need that mapping.
Thanks for raising this. We will take a look into the cause. I think for now there are two possible options. Since this affects only a tiny fraction of the...