Following this because im thinking about getting one of these cameras if someone can make it work.
Also if I do anything with my Tuya Smart app it will show things like this in the console of HomeBridge: [TuyaAccessory] Odd message from Kenzies LED Strip with command...
I do know home bridge sees it like a light switch instead of something like a bulb. I only have options to turn it on and off but that doesnt...
Here is the Schema for it Code | Type | Values -- | -- | -- switch_led | Boolean | {true,false} work_mode | Enum | {"range":["white","colour","scene","music"]} bright_value_v2 | Integer |...
> Wait does ur led strip work? > > and if it does work can u controll the color? > > also if that's true can u share your config...
I'm wanting the lan version to work so I'm not reliant on a stable internet connection for it to work. The web version, while works great for me, requires internet...
im starting to think this project is abandoned. Odd that no updates to this post from any devs since July