CVEScannerV2 copied to clipboard
Cve returned seems wrong for Windows services
for Windows services, after nmap scan, CVEs returns are false in somes cases.
For Example :
Nmap scan a Windows server with Ms-SQL.
The version detected by nmap is : 1433/tcp open ms-sql-s Microsoft SQL Server 2014 12.00.4100; SP1
Then cvescannerV2 scan like this:
| cvescannerv2: | product: sql_server | version: 2014 | vupdate: * | cves: 18
So cvescannerv2 analyze the MS-SQL service with version 2014 but it doesn't take the build release. So, the cve returns are often wrong or inexacts?
this issue appears with Windows and rarely with Linux .
Is there a solution to avoid theses falses positives?
Best regards Anthony