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CVEScannerV2 copied to clipboard

Nmap script that scans for probable vulnerabilities based on services discovered in open ports.


Nmap script that provides information about probable vulnerabilities based on discovered services.


  • Technical details
  • Requirements
  • Run
    • Pre-launch
      • Optional
    • Launch
  • Output
  • Errors and fixes
    • Blocked IP
    • Missing luasql
  • Docker container
  • Acknowledgements
  • License

Technical details

The current implementation take care of the following cases:

  • Nmap detection:

    • Product cpe AND version: vulnerabilities affecting version and vulnerabilities affecting a range of versions that include version.
    • Product cpe AND version range: vulnerabilities affecting versions between version range (included).
    • product cpe but NO version: vulnerabilities that affect every version of the product.
    • If no vulnerabilities were found with product cpe and version returned from Nmap, HTTP detection is used.
    • NO product cpe: HTTP detection is used.
  • HTTP detection:

    • Used only if port matches HTTP/SSL.
    • An HTTP GET request is sent for every combination of path and extension in http-paths-vulnerscom.json, comparing the request headers/body with the regexes in http-regex-vulnerscom.json.

Nmap library shortport is used to detect if port matches HTTP/SSL.


  • luasql
  • nmap
  • python



In order to execute cvescannerv2.nse, CVEs database, http-paths and http-regex files must be present.

The script generates cve.db with the required information.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python

Note: For your convenience, a semi-updated database is offered as .sql format in CVEScannerV2DB.


cvescannerv2.nse can be placed in Nmap default script directory for global execution.

  • Linux and OSX default script locations:

    • /usr/local/share/nmap/scripts/
    • /usr/share/nmap/scripts/
    • /opt/local/share/nmap/scripts/
    • /usr/local/Cellar/nmap/<version>/share/nmap/scripts/
  • Windows default script locations:

    • C:\Program Files\Nmap\Scripts
    • %APPDATA%\nmap

It's recommended to create a symbolic link, so changes in repository are reflected in global script.


After database has been created, call the script:

  • nmap -sV <target_ip> --script cvescannerv2

Note: cvescannerv2.nse accepts the following script-args: db, log, maxcve, path and regex.

script-args default values
db: cve.db
log: cvescannerv2.log
maxcve: 10
path: http-paths-vulnerscom.json
regex: http-regex-vulnerscom.json
script-args examples
$ nmap -sV <target_ip> --script cvescannerv2 --script-args db=cve.db
$ nmap -sV <target_ip> --script cvescannerv2 --script-args log=cvescannerv2.log
$ nmap -sV <target_ip> --script cvescannerv2 --script-args json=cvescannerv2.json
$ nmap -sV <target_ip> --script cvescannerv2 --script-args maxcve=10
$ nmap -sV <target_ip> --script cvescannerv2 --script-args path=http-paths-vulnerscom.json
$ nmap -sV <target_ip> --script cvescannerv2 --script-args regex=http-regex-vulnerscom.json

$ nmap -sV <target_ip> --script cvescannerv2 --script-args db=cve.db,log=cvescannerv2.log,json=cvescannerv2.json,maxcve=10,path=http-paths-vulnerscom.json,regex=http-regex-vulnerscom.json


CVEScannerV2 will show all CVEs related to every service-version discovered.

cvescannerv2.nse output
22/tcp    open  ssh                  OpenSSH 7.1 (protocol 2.0)
| cvescannerv2:
|   product: openssh
|   version: 7.1
|   vupdate: *
|   cves: 27
|   	CVE ID              	CVSSv2	CVSSv3	ExploitDB 	Metasploit
|   	CVE-2008-3844       	9.3  	-    	No        	No
|   	CVE-2016-8858       	7.8  	7.5  	No        	No
|   	CVE-2016-6515       	7.8  	7.5  	Yes       	No
|   	CVE-2016-1908       	7.5  	9.8  	No        	No
|   	CVE-2016-10009      	7.5  	7.3  	Yes       	No
|   	CVE-2015-8325       	7.2  	7.8  	No        	No
|   	CVE-2016-10012      	7.2  	7.8  	No        	No
|   	CVE-2016-10010      	6.9  	7.0  	Yes       	No
|   	CVE-2020-15778      	6.8  	7.8  	No        	No
|_  	CVE-2019-6111       	5.8  	5.9  	Yes       	No
3306/tcp  open  mysql                MySQL 5.5.20-log
| cvescannerv2:
|   product: mysql
|   version: 5.5.20
|   vupdate: *
|   cves: 541
|   	CVE ID              	CVSSv2	CVSSv3	ExploitDB 	Metasploit
|   	CVE-2012-2750       	10.0 	-    	No        	No
|   	CVE-2016-6662       	10.0 	9.8  	Yes       	No
|   	CVE-2012-3163       	9.0  	-    	No        	No
|   	CVE-2020-14878      	7.7  	8.0  	No        	No
|   	CVE-2013-1492       	7.5  	-    	No        	No
|   	CVE-2014-0001       	7.5  	-    	No        	No
|   	CVE-2018-2562       	7.5  	7.1  	No        	No
|   	CVE-2014-6500       	7.5  	-    	No        	No
|   	CVE-2014-6491       	7.5  	-    	No        	No
|_  	CVE-2012-0553       	7.5  	-    	No        	No

Log file cvescannerv2.log contains every exploit/metasploit found.

cvescannerv2.log dump
############## 2021-11-05 14:01:01 ##############

[*] host:
[*] port: 22
[+] protocol: tcp
[+] service: ssh
[+] product: openssh
[+] version: 7.1
[+] vupdate: *
[+] cves: 27
[-] 	id: CVE-2008-3844     	cvss_v2: 9.3  	cvss_v3: -
[-] 	id: CVE-2016-8858     	cvss_v2: 7.8  	cvss_v3: 7.5
[-] 	id: CVE-2016-6515     	cvss_v2: 7.8  	cvss_v3: 7.5
[!] 		ExploitDB:
[#] 			name: OpenSSH 7.2 - Denial of Service
[#] 			id: 40888
[#] 			url:
[-] 	id: CVE-2016-1908     	cvss_v2: 7.5  	cvss_v3: 9.8
[-] 	id: CVE-2016-10009    	cvss_v2: 7.5  	cvss_v3: 7.3
[!] 		ExploitDB:
[#] 			name: OpenSSH < 7.4 - agent Protocol Arbitrary Library Loading
[#] 			id: 40963
[#] 			url:
[-] 	id: CVE-2015-8325     	cvss_v2: 7.2  	cvss_v3: 7.8
[-] 	id: CVE-2016-10012    	cvss_v2: 7.2  	cvss_v3: 7.8
[-] 	id: CVE-2016-10010    	cvss_v2: 6.9  	cvss_v3: 7.0
[!] 		ExploitDB:
[#] 			name: OpenSSH < 7.4 - 'UsePrivilegeSeparation Disabled' Forwarded Unix Domain Sockets Privilege Escalation
[#] 			id: 40962
[#] 			url:
[-] 	id: CVE-2020-15778    	cvss_v2: 6.8  	cvss_v3: 7.8
[*] host:
[*] port: 3306
[+] protocol: tcp
[+] service: mysql
[+] product: mysql
[+] version: 5.5.20
[+] vupdate: *
[+] cves: 541
[-] 	id: CVE-2012-2750     	cvss_v2: 10.0 	cvss_v3: -
[-] 	id: CVE-2016-6662     	cvss_v2: 10.0 	cvss_v3: 9.8
[!] 		ExploitDB:
[#] 			name: MySQL / MariaDB / PerconaDB 5.5.51/5.6.32/5.7.14 - Code Execution / Privilege Escalation
[#] 			id: 40360
[#] 			url:
[-] 	id: CVE-2012-3163     	cvss_v2: 9.0  	cvss_v3: -
[-] 	id: CVE-2020-14878    	cvss_v2: 7.7  	cvss_v3: 8.0
[-] 	id: CVE-2013-1492     	cvss_v2: 7.5  	cvss_v3: -
[-] 	id: CVE-2014-0001     	cvss_v2: 7.5  	cvss_v3: -
[-] 	id: CVE-2018-2562     	cvss_v2: 7.5  	cvss_v3: 7.1
[-] 	id: CVE-2014-6500     	cvss_v2: 7.5  	cvss_v3: -
[-] 	id: CVE-2014-6491     	cvss_v2: 7.5  	cvss_v3: -
[-] 	id: CVE-2012-0553     	cvss_v2: 7.5  	cvss_v3: -
[-] 	id: CVE-2012-0882     	cvss_v2: 7.5  	cvss_v3: -
[-] 	id: CVE-2012-3158     	cvss_v2: 7.5  	cvss_v3: -
[-] 	id: CVE-2020-14760    	cvss_v2: 7.5  	cvss_v3: 5.5
[-] 	id: CVE-2015-0411     	cvss_v2: 7.5  	cvss_v3: -
[-] 	id: CVE-2016-0546     	cvss_v2: 7.2  	cvss_v3: -
[-] 	id: CVE-2015-4819     	cvss_v2: 7.2  	cvss_v3: -
[-] 	id: CVE-2016-3471     	cvss_v2: 7.1  	cvss_v3: 7.5
[-] 	id: CVE-2016-6664     	cvss_v2: 6.9  	cvss_v3: 7.0
[!] 		ExploitDB:
[#] 			name: MySQL / MariaDB / PerconaDB 5.5.x/5.6.x/5.7.x - 'root' System User Privilege Escalation
[#] 			id: 40679
[#] 			url:
[-] 	id: CVE-2020-14866    	cvss_v2: 6.8  	cvss_v3: 4.9

Log file (json format) cvescannerv2.json.

cvescannerv2.json dump
      "": {
        "ports": {
          "22/tcp": {
            "service": {
              "vupdate": "p1",
              "name": "ssh",
              "version": "4.7",
              "product": "openssh"
            "vulnerabilities": {
              "total": 36,
              "cves": {
                "CVE-2008-5161": {
                  "cvssv2": 2.6,
                  "cvssv3": "-"
                "CVE-2016-6210": {
                  "cvssv3": 5.9,
                  "exploitdb": [
                      "name": "OpenSSHd 7.2p2 - Username Enumeration",
                      "url": "",
                      "id": 40113
                      "name": "OpenSSH 7.2p2 - Username Enumeration",
                      "url": "",
                      "id": 40136
                  "metasploit": [
                      "name": "auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers"
                  "cvssv2": 4.3
                "CVE-2016-3115": {
                  "cvssv3": 6.4,
                  "exploitdb": [
                      "name": "OpenSSH 7.2p1 - (Authenticated) xauth Command Injection",
                      "url": "",
                      "id": 39569
                  "cvssv2": 5.5
                "CVE-2018-15473": {
                  "cvssv3": 5.3,
                  "exploitdb": [
                      "name": "OpenSSH 2.3 < 7.7 - Username Enumeration (PoC)",
                      "url": "",
                      "id": 45210
                      "name": "OpenSSH 2.3 < 7.7 - Username Enumeration",
                      "url": "",
                      "id": 45233
                      "name": "OpenSSH < 7.7 - User Enumeration (2)",
                      "url": "",
                      "id": 45939
                  "metasploit": [
                      "name": "auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers"
                  "cvssv2": 5.0
              "cache": false
        "timestamp": "2022-04-26 12:12:10"

You can find the output from metasploitable2 and metasploitable3 in example_data.

Errors and fixes

Blocked IP

Connection timeout/error during CRAWL phase (

Fix: Wait 15 minutes before re-running

Missing luasql

cvescannerv2.nse:54: module 'luasql.sqlite3' not found:
NSE failed to find nselib/luasql/sqlite3.lua in search paths.

Fix: Install lua-sql-sqlite3 and create a symlink to Nmap search path.

$ apt install lua-sql-sqlite3
$ ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lua /usr/local/lib/lua

Above command may require super user permissions.

Docker container

We have prepared a container with nmap, CVEScannerV2 and netauditor.

$ docker run --entrypoint nmap -v /tmp/CVEScannerV2:/tmp/CVEScannerV2 -sV <ip> --script cvescannerv2 --script-args json=/tmp/CVEScannerV2/cvescannerv2.json,log=/tmp/CVEScannerV2/cvescannerv2.log

Note: The entrypoint is set to netauditor. You need to change it to nmap and add the commands at the end.

Note2: Script logs will be stored in /tmp/CVEScannerV2


This work has been supported by National R&D Project TEC2017-84197-C4-1-R and by the Comunidad de Madrid project CYNAMON P2018/TCS-4566 and co-financed by European Structural Funds (ESF and FEDER)


CVEScannerV2  Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Sergio Chica Manjarrez @
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details check below.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; check below for details.