
Results 7 issues of sclassen

Implement matching of rules according to In the class `net.adoptopenjdk.icedteaweb.deploymentrules.Rule` there is a TODO in the method `matches`. Please add the missing implementation and also include tests. Inspiration can...

deployment ruleset

Original contribution by @DavidTavoularis in #729: a. Better HTTPS with Client authentication : In order to avoid too many PIN/Password requests (HTTPS hanshakes), downloads first the initial jar (mono-thread) then...

It would be awesome if it would be possible to see the values saved per profile. Either directly in the list of profiles or by having a "details" button which...

Geb supports the page object pattern. This allows to keep the element selectors in a single place and reuse it everywhere. It would be great if we can make use...

Change the way the output directory is configured to resemble the way it is done in the asciidoctor-diagram extension

The following will fail ``` java public class MyExtensionRegistry implements ExtensionRegistry { void register(Asciidoctor asciidoctor) { asciidoctor.javaExtensionRegistry().postprocessor(MyPostProcessor.class) } } public class MyPostProcessor extends Postprocessor { @Override String process(Document document, String...

This happens form time to time. As a side-effect the counter in the task bar at the bottom will always show "Change Size: 0/80" even when there are changes. The...

help wanted