David Young
David Young
Hey @theblackturtle, what were the options you used that led to the panic?
Slight problem with Read + Write: https://github.com/whitequark/rust-vnc/blob/259ea4ce1e895125788c64017a97108584a78791/src/client.rs#L294-L302 I don't think there's a trait we can require for try_clone, and TcpStream doesn't implement Clone, so I wonder whether it might be...
The only other crate I've really looked at for this is [rdp-rs](https://github.com/citronneur/rdp-rs) which doesn't spawn any extra threads so it's not a problem. There's a [dead PR](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/56994) in Rust for...
Sounds like a plan. I've already updated the codebase to 2018 - would you like it in a separate PR or all together?
Also, calling shutdown() won't work on a Read + Write, but it should be closed properly when it's dropped so removing the method shouldn't cause any problems beyond API breakage....
Using a mutex to share the stream isn't going well. Without access to the raw file descriptor the event poll thread has no way of knowing whether there's data available...
Yeah, I'll probably have to look at the socks implementations and come back to this issue later
Cheers, that's useful to know. I've opened a PR updating the dependencies and clearing up most of Clippy's warnings. The next thing I'd like to do is implement the HTML...
I've got essentially the same problem in a Debian LX branded image running on 20171221T020409Z. ``` # ping6 google.com WARNING: your kernel is veeery old. No problems. ``` Did a...