Closes #14 This tries to fetch the price data in batches from an supported exchange (must be supported by ccxt) if this fails for certain datapoints it does nothing and...
a list of all: i would start by implementing at least one for ethereum(uniswap) and one for bsc(pancakeswap) via the apis I think if we implement it...
This could be slightly complicated, so this is more of an idea what could be implemented. and a place to store information information regarding margin trading in germany: > Kapitalerträge...
To make this programm accessible to a wider audience it should be considered making it usable for people who do not know how to use python/ a terminal. Maybe a...
a progressbar or something of that kind would be nice to see how far it has progressed
This allows us database agnostic SQL programming and enables us to Support multiple SQL flavors out of the Box (sqlite, MySQL,postgresql are the ones i know that are defintively supported)
It would be nice to be able to Set options via the commandline and via config and be able to make other commands in the future (a first install guide...
In the last few days some Optimizations came to my mind I'd like to share to not forget them and so that they can be discussed. I'd make each of...