Make flatpak
Hi! That would be nice if you'll make flatpak for app because right now installation is a little bit hard.
I find that coloring status bar on different modes would be really awesome feature. For example when you're in insert mode bar colored with green background, when in visual with...
Are there any plans for making deb/rpm packages?
Hi there! I'm attempting on running newsbeuter on docker and getting error. **Newsbeuter version (copy from `newsbeuter -v`)**: 2.9.5 Steps to reproduce the issue: 1. Get docker image with ubuntu...
Are there possibility to setup this? I don't see it in documentation, neither in code in *.tmux file
And also entries simply not opening and i'm getting this error `split-window: Wrong type argument: integerp, 1552.5 `
Add possibility to encrypt your stuff. Using as is is very insecure
Hello, what's the workarounds are here to work with radicale? I'm trying to use config as simple as this ``` (setq org-caldav-url "http://ip:port/user") (setq org-caldav-calendars '((:calendar-id "Life" :files ("~/Org/Agenda/Todo/Life.org") :inbox...
Hi! When i'm enabling the mode, I'm simply getting: `REQUEST [error] Error (error) while connecting to http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql.` It seems like api has been changed
Hi there. Are there some possibility to run library under Android? I'm trying to run it but only get ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "java.awt.geom.AffineTransform" Seems like library is depend on...