Rainer Schuster
Rainer Schuster
if you like the browser interface and didn't try yet, have a look at jupyter-lab.
I'd say just fork it and create pull requests ;-)
I was too fast opening this ticket. ```go fileInfo, err := u.appFS.Stat(source) if err != nil { return err } file, err := u.appFS.OpenFile(source, os.O_RDONLY, os.FileMode(0644)) if err != nil...
@sandys Try to workaround by saving an 1x1 pixel jpg as /static/img/fixed-background-2.jpg
In the meantime you can just setup an ssh tunnel manually. Open a terminal and `ssh -N -L 3306: ssh-user@remoteserver` And put `` as address in the connection profile. EDIT:...
I created a reader macro (this is for hy 0.13 and newer) ```clojure (import [IPython [get_ipython]] [IPython.terminal.interactiveshell [TerminalInteractiveShell]]) (cond [(not (TerminalInteractiveShell.initialized)) (TerminalInteractiveShell.instance)]) (defsharp % [expr] `(.magic (get_ipython) '~expr)) ``` with...
Yes ... and be aware of syntax issues. defsharp has been some intermediate name. from defreader > defsharp > and now deftag in the current master.
You can use F9 for setting the breakpoint. Or depending on your keybinding what "set breakpoint" is mapped to
it doesn't work this way. The change to support this is more complex. Each workflow is unique. So either the open-webui team sets up some standards what need to be...