Don't work with home assistant. Version 3.3.2 not supported. How to résolve this problème ?
Bonjour, je n'arrive pas a configurer l'integration SCRAPE pour l'horoscope. Pourrais tu me donner quelque infos stp ? Merci a toi .
hello, Since an update, I no longer know how to control my 2 H6159 trip LEDs. I control it via the Govee app and it gives me the rendering in...
Good morning. congratulations for your work but I have a little problem. following a change of wifi network, I had to delete then reinstall my Arlo doorbell. then I reinstalled...
Bonjour, tout d'abord, super boulot, magnifique... Ma question est la suivante: J'ai un accessoire qui ne donne pas un pourcentage pour la baterrie, mais un niveau, "high, medium, etc. Est-il...
Good morning. Could you tell me if this model is compatible with your add-on. Model H606A ? Thanks.
Good morning, Is it possible in Formula 1 to have a table with the results of the last session. Like for example in this case: Belgian Grand Prix, the last...
Is it possible to put an animation on an icon in the sub_button? like for example for a fan: styles: icon: - animation: rotating 1.5s linear infinite thank you to...