Dear Staff: ``` Your ReadTask::speakText news n+1 elements for wbuf without deleting it. This will cause memory leakage problem. Please add "delete[] wbuf;" after m_pVoice->Speak call. ```
Hi, Some user requested that zh-tw.ctb should follow Nemeth rules to translate Unicode fractions (U+215X) when any of such symbols appears after a number. For example, `5⅔` should be `5_?2/3_#`...
This is a suggestion about improvement of the documentation. In some functions with `inbuf` and `outbuf`, e.g. lou_translateString and lou_backTranslateString, such statement appears: ``` @code{inbuf} is a string of 16-bit...
libchewing only accepts logger callback with variable argument list so far. However, it seems difficult to implement such callback using other language (eg. Python). This prevents direct access of log...
I am developing an input method called 點字酷音 (Braille Chewing) based on PIME with @PCMan and other participants. 點字酷音 detects braille input from the user, which may not be represented...
Hi developers, This question is also asked by other Taiwanese reviewers. Their purpoie is to separate characters from different character sets by a space to improve readability. That is, this...
Hi, I would like to write rules for better expression of supscript and subscript characters. I use the following test table: ``` attribute MATHSUP XYZ attribute MATHSUB xyz attribute MATHSUX...
The requirement has been presented in the previous issue I created that some Taiwanese developers hope to add braille space between a Chinese character and an alphanumeric character. The solution...
The entire build process, including the prerequisites and the steps, have been largely changed since implementation of RUST. Therefore, the related paragraphs in need corresponding modification to fit the...
Dear stuff: This file has a line: ``` // m.SetTime( t ); // do'nt need, because previous time is not changed ``` where do'nt seens to be don't? Or this...